Congratulatory Notes to Alumni
Several Robson Hall alumni received special honours at the end of 2017
Stephen Chipman [LL.B./1982] and his wife Ruth Chipman were presented with the Ignatian Challenge Award, St. Paul’s High School’s highest honour, on November 7, 2017. The award goes to men and women who embrace the ideals of St. Ignatius Loyola: faith, generosity, a commitment to justice, and a willingness to serve. Mr. Chipman is President and CEO of the Birchwood Automotive Group.
Dr. Robert (Bob) Kozminski [LL.B./1970] was presented with the Duff Roblin Award on October 26, 2017. A tradition of the University of Winnipeg, the Award pays tribute to Manitoba’s former Premier and the inaugural recipient, The Honourable Duff Roblin. The award recognizes an outstanding Manitoban’s demonstrated lifelong commitment to education and the community. Dr. Kozminski is a founding member and director of the Winnipeg Foundation and has long been a community leader in business and philanthropy. He was presented with an Honorary Doctorate of Laws by the University of Winnipeg in 2012.
John A. Myers [J.D./1990], a Partner at Taylor McCaffrey LLP, received the Richard J. Scott Award in November, 2017 at the Isaac Pitblado Lectures for his commitment to public interest advocacy on behalf of persons living with disabilities, and his work as a civil litigator, practitioner and teacher in intellectual property.
Eleanor Wiebe, Q.C. [LL.B./1982] is the recipient of the Manitoba Bar Association’s 2018 Distinguished Service Award. Recently retired from 34 years of active practice in Business, Real Estate and Wills and Estates Law at Fillmore Riley LLP, Wiebe has served as a sessional lecturer of the Wills and Succession course at Robson Hall since 2009. This award recognizes Wiebe for her many contributions to the legal profession and wider community including her teaching both at home and abroad. According to the Fillmore Riley Newsletter, Wiebe has traveled to Southeast Asia to teach lawyers in Laos and Cambodia as part of a Canadian Bar Association-sponsored program funded by the Canadian International Development Agency.