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Concur’s enhanced look and feel is sleek and modern

January 26, 2015 — 

Concur is transforming its look and feel to increase overall functionality for all their customers on February 1st, 2015.

The Aurora Finance Team asked Concur clients to test drive the enhanced, streamlined Concur and they wanted to share some of the great feedback they received:


“Impressive with its sleek new look, easy to navigate layout and helpful visual cues.”

“Modern” and “Clean”

“Great layout. Easy to read and follow.”

“Appreciate the task bar at the top to show what needs to be done.”

“Great to have all available expenses and active reports at first glance.”


The Aurora Finance Team says their clients were happy to see that all of the same familiar functions were still available but had been transformed into a sleek and modernized format with additions to make getting the job done easier.

Want to see what all the buzz is about?

Visit Aurora Finance for an overview of the enhanced features of Concur.


If you require support or have questions about the new look & feel of Concur, please contact Aurora Finance Customer Service at 204-480-1001 or


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