Chief Justice Robson Biography Project – Invitation to Professors, Practitioners and Students to Contribute
The building which houses the Faculty of Law at the University of Manitoba is named in memory of the Honourable Hugh Amos Robson [LLD(Honorary)/1914]. He is considered to be the founder of modern legal education in Manitoba. Many of the policy issues he was involved with – as a lawyer, judge, public servant and political party leader – are still relevant and controversial. The Manitoba Law Journal is seeking contributions to a book-length study on his career.

Manitoba Law School co-founder and building namesake, Hugh Amos Robson.
The goal is to publish a special issue of the MLJ in the fall of 2019 in conjunction with events that mark the 100th anniversary of the General Strike and the 50th Anniversary of Robson Hall.
The MLJ welcomes submissions from professors, practitioners and students on any subject relating to Robson’s life, career and judicial decisions. Essays may be short and focused, and may attempt to put the past in context, including relating it to current issues.
Anyone interested in the subject and seeking more information is invited to please visit the Manitoba Law Journal webpage regarding the Chief Justice Robson Biography Project.