Changes to examination regulations coming into effect
A series of changes to the U of M’s examination regulations are being implemented this year.
Awareness of and willingness to communicate these changes to students is both encouraged and appreciated. Some important revisions that affect faculty, staff, and students include: A shortened application deadline for deferred examinations resulting in more timely scheduling of the deferred exam; special exams being collapsed into the deferred exam process; a defined single location for posting of final grades; changes to where student belongings can be stored during examinations; restricted access to retroactive exam deferrals; a definition of who can invigilate a final exam; the streamlined use of the term Supplemental Examinations; and a defined procedure for re-appealing final grades.
Further, changes made to the existing U of M Examination Regulations Policy will see a simplified Final Examinations and Final Grades Policy, which has been separated from administrative procedures. Updated procedural information about grading systems, final grade reporting, final grade appeals, supplementary examinations, missed exams and exam deferrals will be found in three new documents: Deferred and Supplemental Examination Procedures, Final Examinations Procedures and Final Grades Procedures.
These changes join others that are affecting the U of M community this Fall Term — the new Electronic Communications with Students Policy as well as the new myumanitoba student email system.