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CBC/Sun: University of Manitoba adds 18 extra seats in engineering program

September 15, 2015 — 

As the CBC reports: The Province of Manitoba is spending about $500,000 to expand the program, which currently has 336 seats. The 18 new seats will be divided over the current U of M engineering program and a new “hybrid” program from the university and Red River College.

“The faculty of engineering at the University of Manitoba is in high-demand — attracting the best and brightest students from Manitoba and beyond,” President David Barnard told the Winnipeg Sun. “This investment ultimately will enable us to graduate more engineers, responding to a real and pressing need in our province.”



One comment on “CBC/Sun: University of Manitoba adds 18 extra seats in engineering program

  1. Kenneth Wong

    That’s great news! While not a practicing engineer, my mechanical engineering degree helped me eventually get my dream job. ERTW!

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