UM Today UM Today University of Manitoba UM Today UM Today UM Today

Campus News News Archive

Fort Garry Campus-Pedway and Engineering and Admin

Peaceful end to the encampment

July 15, 2024 — 
Following a message to encampment participants on Tuesday, the encampment has now been peacefully dismantled. UM will make any necessary repairs to the landscaping in order to return the Quad to the community for regular use.

An aerial look of Fort Garry campus buildings and people walking on walkways.


Encampment protest updates

July 9, 2024 — 
Get the latest updates on the ongoing student encampment protest.

Sifton Road closure

June 27, 2024 — 
Due to structural instability and poor underground conditions on Sifton Road, an emergency road closure is now in place to ensure safety of the UM community.

Migizii Agamik building with yellow flowers

Share your feedback on UM’s Truth and Reconciliation Framework

June 26, 2024 — 
This draft framework outlines the vision, mission and shared values guiding the Reconciliation Advisory Committee in its work

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Photo of William Prince standing in front of church.

5 reasons to attend the Grand Opening Concert at the new Desautels Concert Hall

June 18, 2024 — 
You’re invited! Tickets go on sale June 19

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Smiling student sits at a library table studying.

Updating your course materials: How to create an accessible document 

June 18, 2024 — 
Provincial legislation mandates that all course materials and documents be accessible 

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Flag to be lowered for James Richard Churchill Gray, Dr. Kenneth Morgan Adam

June 14, 2024 — 
Flag to be lowered for James Richard Churchill Gray, Dr. Kenneth Morgan Adam

Four pole banners with the UM logo displayed.

Let’s “Brand Together” – it’s time to find and update all old UM logos and brand

June 13, 2024 — 
Let's "Brand Together" to help share UM's story - by updating all old logos.

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An aerial look of Fort Garry campus buildings and people walking on walkways.


UM response to encampment leadership

June 11, 2024 — 
UM leadership has been meeting with student representatives of the encampment and listening to your concerns. We have reviewed your questions and calls for action and we offer the following response and commitments to all students and the broader UM community. You can read more our responses to encampment leadership.

School of Art Students Takashi Iwasaki and Netsanet Shawl Selected for Prestigious ICAF Next Generation X RBC Emerging Artists Project

June 11, 2024 — 
On May 13, 2024, the ICAF Next Generation X RBC Emerging Artists Project officially announced the selection of emerging artists for the ICAF Next Generation feature.

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