UM Today UM Today University of Manitoba UM Today UM Today UM Today

BookStore no longer be able sell Apple computers and iPads in store

March 31, 2014 — 


The following is a message from Computers on Campus, the IT Procurement Centre and  the Help & Solution Centre:

On May 31st Apple will not renew the Apple Higher Education Reseller agreements across Canada, including ours at the University of Manitoba BookStore.  This means The BookStore will no longer be able to order Apple computers and iPads in store effective April 27th.  But we will continue to sell  Apple accessories and Apple TVs in store and you may continue to make personal purchases of Apple computers and iPads at educational prices through our web page.

IST’s IT Procurement Centre (ITPC), The Help & Solution Centre (H&SC) and the BookStore are all working together to plan the best method for the U of M to procure Apple products, manage asset tracking, and provide support and repairs. UM Today will post updates on these fronts when they become available.

Until then, please place orders using University funds as per normal until April 27th or other plans are announced.


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