Tom and Lynne Stewart with Vanessa Martinez Lagunas (middle) at the Bisons women's soccer game on October 6, 2016 // Photo by Jeff Miller
Big gift for the Bisons
Donation to women’s soccer team will help recruit Canadian talent
The largest gift in the history of the Bison women’s soccer program will help recruit Canadian talent. Tom Stewart, founder of Eznet, and his wife Lynne donated $10,000 to create a bursary fund that would help head coach Vanessa Martinez Lagunas attract players to the Bisons.
“We are very thankful with Tom and Lynne Stewart from Eznet for their generous donation towards our Bison Women’s Soccer Scholarship Fund,” says Martinez Lagunas.
The gift will enhance the ability of the Bisons to attract and retain more top-level female Canadian soccer players at the local and national level, says Martinez Lagunas.
The donation will be matched dollar by the Manitoba Scholarship and Bursary Initiative (MSBI), doubling its impact to a total of $20,000.
“Eznet is supporting the University of Manitoba because Vanessa Martinez Lagunas is one of the best women’s coaches in the world,” says Stewart. “We believe that Canadian companies have a duty to help provide incentives for Canadian student-athletes to stay in Canada.”
The aim is that this donation can set an example for other Canadian organizations to support amateur sports.
“We hope that other Canadian companies will follow the example of Eznet and will be inspired to also contribute to this noble cause,” says Martinez Lagunas. “Investing in university sport is a great way to give back to the community.”
If you would like to support the women’s soccer program or other Bison sports teams, visit give.umanitoba.ca.
It is our true pleasure.
Other small companies, join in! Keep our girls in Canada!
Lynne and Tom