Become a Sustainability Ambassador this fall
Inspire others to see how sustainability can change lives in a positive way
The Sustainability Ambassador Program is a volunteer leadership program for undergraduate and graduate students who are interested in promoting a culture of sustainability at the University of Manitoba through growth, education and action.
As Sustainability Ambassadors, students will lead and inspire the campus community to learn more about sustainability and explore how sustainability practices can change lives in a positive way. The goal of the program is to enhance student engagement and participation by offering opportunities for students to gain knowledge and skills while supporting the network of sustainability on campus.
What’s new about the program?
The Sustainability Ambassador Program now allows students to focus their efforts on a specific topic area that is of most interest. Students will be sorted into one of three ambassador streams:
- Zero Waste Ambassadors,
- Sustainable Transportation Ambassadors and
- Outreach and Events Ambassadors.
Applicants to the program will be assigned to teams that will work together to make project plans for the year based on their topic area.
Sustainability Ambassadors will be provided with mandatory career and skill development workshops and ambassadors will be expected to volunteer 1-2 hours per week for the Fall and Winter terms (approximately 60 hours total for the academic year). Students will not have responsibilities during exam periods.
Exemplary Sustainability Ambassadors will receive written letters of support or recommendations for internships, jobs, etc. Other benefits to joining the program include:
- A letter of achievement for participation in the program
- Experience Record notation after the completion of the program in April of each year
- We understand Ambassadors are students, so scheduling is flexible
- Career and skill development training and opportunities
- Facilitation peer-to-peer networking and UM community outreach
- Access to mentorship opportunities
- Engaged learning opportunities
- Safe, inclusive, dynamic and passionate team to support your work
If you are interested in becoming a Sustainability Ambassador, please visit the Sustainability Ambassador Program website for more details. Applications will be accepted from August 26 – September 13 via the Application Portal.