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Be fair in using copyrighted materials!

The University recognizes Fair Dealing Week

February 27, 2018 — 

The University of Manitoba, along other Canadian and American educational institutions, are recognizing Fair Dealing /Fair Use Week from February 26 to March 2.

Fair Dealing is a flexible doctrine in the Copyright Act that grants an exception to copyright protection as long as the use is fair. The Fair Dealing provision aims to strike a balance between the rights of the creator and the rights of the user.

Faculty, instructors, students, librarians and support staff make use of Fair Dealing on a regular basis for educational, private study and research purposes. For instance, faculty or students copying a chapter or an article for research purposes may be exercising their Fair Dealing rights.

Determining whether the copying you want to do is fair can be challenging. The University of Manitoba’s Copyright Office has services that can help you come to a fair decision. You can:

  • Take the Copyright Tutorial in UM Learn;
  • Attend a presentation on copyright;
  • Request a copyright information session for your unit;
  • Contact Copyright Solutions to ensure that your course materials are copyright-compliant;
  • Ask a copyright expert for assistance (in person, by phone, or by email);
  • Find more resources on the Copyright Office website at


Fair Dealing: tell us your story

How has Fair Dealing enhanced your professional and academic lives? The Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL) is looking for testimonials!

You can submit your testimonial directly to Lise Brin at or contact the Copyright Office for assistance in telling your Fair Dealing story.

If you have questions about Fair Dealing or other aspects of copyright, contact um [dot] copyright [at] umanitoba [dot] ca


Need to know more about copyright? Register now for the new Copyright Tutorial. []

For general inquiries, contact the Copyright Office at um_copyright [at] umanitoba [dot] ca or 204-474-9607. Copyright Guidelines and other resources are available on the Copyright Office website.

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