Luxury no matter where it parks
B-Lot Trailer an architectural marvel
Architectural Digest called the B-Lot trailers at the University of Manitoba “one of the most breathtaking examples of temporary-permanence”, noting that its use of corrugated iron “is a marvel, much like the dome of of Santa Maria del Fiore in Florence.”
The trailer, or clubhouse, creatively reflects natural light into crevices that would normally be dark. The result is an optical illusion of humbling grandeur.
“When we erected the trailer after the fire in the Duff Roblin building we wanted to do something powerful, something that would make a statement,” Gary Robinson, director of infrastructure illumination said. “This project is probably the last I will do and when I walk into it and see the work I…I’m sorry, I get emotional…can we stop?”
Robinson went on to explain that the trailer uses metamaterials to bend light to the designers will. For more on this, read the work of Victor Veselago, but for our purposes, the result is what matters, not the how.
“How the light fills the hallways, it’s how I imagine the nave in European cathedrals look like on the summer solstice,” Jenny McPritchard, an admin assistant said.