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woman with should length brown hair, brown bangs. Wearing a long sleeve black sweatshirt, blue jeans and black sneakers. standing outside under a pink with green polka dots arch.

ABC North Coast (Australia): Lismore Lantern Parade selected for global study into role of festivals in towns recovering from disasters

June 24, 2024 — 

Dr van Winkle, an associate professor in kinesiology and recreation management at Canada’s University of Manitoba, and her team are in Australia to research the effects of Lismore’s Lantern Parade, which celebrated its 30th year on Saturday.

The researchers selected Lismore as one of four locations around the world to study, because it has an annual festival and the community was devastated by the catastrophic floods in northern New South Wales in 2022, while still reeling from the effects of the COVID pandemic.

The other locations being studied are in Cyprus, the Caribbean and Canada.

To read the full story, please visit ABC.


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