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A celebration of food

February 27, 2015 — 

The Manitoba Consumer Monitor Food Panel and the University of Manitoba are pleased to invite you to What’s in Your Bowl? Breakfast, Food and Health , a celebration of four years of research on consumer attitudes and perceptions towards food and health.

The celebration will provide an opportunity to see the unveiling of a new display, to hear an in-depth presentation of survey results, and to have an opportunity to have an open discussion with the MCM Food Panel.

What: What’s in Your Bowl? Breakfast, Food and Health
When: Tuesday, March 3rd, 2015 Registration at 9:30 a.m.; Event runs 10:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Where: Bruce D. Campbell Farm and Food Discovery Centre, 1290 Research Station Road, Glenlea, Manitoba
RSVP: Phone: 1-877-538-5543;

A light lunch will be provided. Please let us know of any potential food allergies when replying.

The Manitoba Consumer Monitor Food Panel is a University of Manitoba project. Funding is provided by the Canada and Manitoba governments through Growing Forward II, a federal-provincial-territorial initiative. Our mission is to give a voice to consumers, by gathering survey information on their opinions, preferences and experiences with food and health, for the benefit of all Manitobans.



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