UM Today UM Today University of Manitoba UM Today UM Today UM Today
John Sorensen and Randi Roy.

John Sorensen and Randi Roy.

From a fundamental discovery in a chemistry lab to a novel product for the market

It all started when John Sorensen, a chemistry professor, and his research team discovered an enzyme with an interesting reaction, a difficult step in the organic synthesis laboratory. The reaction normally requires multiple steps and many reagents without the same yields. But with the enzyme, it could be done in a single step in great condition. The discovery then sparked conversations about commercialization among the research team and how it could be put somewhere on a store shelf.

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In Focus

Beyond the textbooks

This month we will highlight the staff, faculty and students involved in co-op placements, internships, and work-study programs. Find out more about how UM is helping students gain practical skills and industry experience before they start their careers.

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Learn more about co-op as a student at UM

Co-op is one of the ways students can directly expand their understanding of the field. It opens many doors, leads to different horizons and illuminates different trajectories that students may not have been aware of. It also allows students to see the emerging trends in the field and get a glimpse of the direction that the industry may be heading towards.

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