Golf fundraiser invites golfers, sponsors to June 15 tournament
The tournament will be fundraising for the men's hockey team to play Belfast, Braehead and Edinburgh at a pre-season tournament in Europe.
Bison men’s hockey is formally inviting golfers, donors, and sponsors for a Golf Fundraiser on Friday, June 15, 2018. Last year, the team played a successful pre-season tournament in Europe, with competitive games against Belfast, Braehead, and Edinburgh leading into the Canada West schedule. This year, they’ve been invited back for another European tour, and the team is extremely excited to have this amazing opportunity.
The players are expected to pay for their own fees and have organized a fundraising golf tournament at Bridges Golf Course. The tournament is also putting a focus on alumni, with Bill Robinson — coach of the Bisons in the 60s and 70s — as a special honoree. All men’s hockey players from this era are invited to join for what should be a special day.
Tournament Details
The tournament will be a shot gun start, with a team best ball format (teams of 4), from 2 PM to 7 PM on Friday, June 15. After the tournament, a pig roast buffet will be provided while the team hands out golf prizes and draws for the door prize.
Register as a Golfer
Golfing spots are nearly full, so act fast!
Single golfer fee: $175
4 Sum Golf Package: $700
For golfing confirmation and transportation options, RSVP to Brett Stovin by calling (204) 792-4458 or email
Become a Sponsor
You can also join the tournament as a sponsor, with the following options.
Hole Sponsor: $500
Gold Sponsor (hole sponsor, 4 golfers): $1,100
Tournament Name Sponsor (tournament name, 4 golfers): $2,500
Cart Sponsor (company sign on cart, option to add 4 golfers for additional $500): $2,000
Dinner Sponsor (verbal recognition at dinner, sign at entrance of dinner area, company signs at each table, option to add 4 golfers for additional $500): $2,000
Donations will also be accepted, with a tax receipt provided.
For sponsorship opportunities or cash donations, please contact Brett Stovin at (204) 792-4458 or For prize donations, please contact Adam Henry at (204) 223-2166 or
Bison men’s hockey thanks you and hopes to see you June 15th!