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Dr Brian Rice began his appointment Jan. 2 // Photo by Garrick Kozier

New Indigenous land-based educator for FKRM

January 15, 2018 — 

We’d like to welcome Brian Rice, PhD to the Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management as an associate professor in Indigenous land-based education.

He has written two books: Encounters between Newcomers and Aboriginal Peoples in the East (2006) and Seeing the World with Aboriginal Eyes (2005). His dissertation, entitled The Rotinonshonni through the Eyes of Taharonhiawako and Sawiskera: A Traditional History of the Iroquois People for Modern Times, with one of its central themes being the Great Law of Peace, has been used by members of the Six Nations Iroquois in making their own journeys back to their homeland in eastern Ontario and central New York. Dr Rice graduated with a doctorate in Traditional Aboriginal Knowledge from the Division of Transformative Learning at the California Institute of Integral Studies. He is an enrolled member of the Mohawk Nation.

Dr Rice was most previously an assistant professor at University of Winnipeg’s Faculty of Education.

Welcome aboard, Brian!




One comment on “New Indigenous land-based educator for FKRM

  1. Sabrina koehn

    It would be nice to hear Brian Rice speak on land based knowledge in a free community forum. A cultural camp training would be ideal.

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