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Accessibility Training (Customer Service): Early-bird prizes

Do your training soon, get rewarded!

August 11, 2017 — 

Three great prizes are being offered for participants who take their Accessibility Training (Customer Service) early.

The prizes are three $100 gift cards to University of Manitoba Campo restaurants and the U of M Bookstore. Two draws will take place, one at the end of August where there will be two chances to win (one restaurant gift card and one bookstore gift card), and one at the end of October (one restaurant gift card). Names of individuals completing training through UM Learn, Learning and Organizational Development or group in-person training will be entered automatically.

Customer Service is the first of five accessibility standards under the Accessibility for Manitobans Act, or AMA, with the others, still to come, being information and communication, transportation, employment and the built environment.

The AMA requires “customer service” training of all faculty and staff who work with students or the public. According to the legislation, this customer service training must be completed by Nov. 1, 2017.

The language of the Act uses “customer service” as a general term to cover relationships that could be characterized as having a service component.


Is the Customer Service training mandatory?  Is there a deadline to complete training?

Yes. ALL University employees must be the trained for accessible customer service by November 1, 2017. You can begin your training right now by visiting:


Want to know how to get trained?

The training is being offered in three different methods:

  • An online course with three short modules are available on UMLearn

o   Training modules take approximately 35 minutes can be completed at one’s own pace. To view the training modules, please follow UMLearn Accessible Customer Service Training course and visit the accessibility hub for instructions on accessing the training.

o   Your department may choose to watch the training videos together at a meeting or a retreat. Please ensure attendance is taken; attendees’ names and UMNet ID must be emailed to Without this attendance information, we have no way to know if someone has been trained.

o   Once there, search & register for Accessibility Training (Customer Service)

  • Unit-specific training will be organized for larger, more customer-facing units


Four extra sessions are being offered this fall. The dates are:

September 27 @  9-10:30 a.m. – Fort Garry

October 2 @ 9-10:30 a.m. –Bannatyne Campus

October 26 @ 1:30-3 p.m. – Fort Garry

October 31 @ 9-10:30 a.m. – Bannatyne Campus


Have more questions? Read the Frequently Asked Questions and for more resources, please visit the U of M Accessibility Hub at .

For questions on any of the training methods, contact Krystyl Bergen by phone [204-474-8508] or email [] or [].

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