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Wpg Free Press: Affordable law school in our best interest

January 13, 2016 — 

A Faculty of Law student wrote an op-ed on tuition costs for the Winnipeg Free Press.

It begins:

Concern over an increase in the cost of tuition for law school is unlikely to find much sympathy outside law students and lawyers. The quiet discussion about raising tuition at the University of Manitoba’s faculty of law hasn’t faced much scrutiny outside the confines of the school itself, but the consequences of an increase have implications for all Manitobans.

A number of factors have conspired over the last few years (primarily pressure from the university’s administration to cut costs) to create a situation in which a significant increase in tuition was deemed necessary by administrators. The most recent proposal would take tuition from approximately $10,000 to $16,000 over three years. This is a big jump for students who are already often walking away with more than $100,000 of debt.


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