Brandon’s satellite program expands
First cohort of Brandon-trained family docs stay in region
The Faculty of Health Science’s College of Medicine is pleased to announce the launch of two new training programs for its Brandon Satellite Program and acknowledge recent graduates from its Family Medicine residency program.
The Brandon Satellite Program, led by college’s associate dean, Charles Penner, is designed to expand post-graduate training of physicians in Brandon.
In 2012, the University of Manitoba began training family physicians in Brandon through a two-year Family Medicine residency program under the direction of Joanne Maier, assistant dean, College of Medicine. This increased to four physicians per year starting in 2013.
On June 30, 2015, a graduation celebration was held for four family physicians, all of whom are staying to practice in the Westman Region: Jane Dueck, Laurel Stitt, Kara Wettig and Blaire Turner. The four new physicians starting the family medicine residency program this year are Aaron Jattan, Darrin Nichol, Kelby Treloar and Kristen Wareham.
“Recruiting students with rural roots or an interest in rural practice to pursue the U of M Family Medicine program in Brandon has been extremely successful – and satisfying with the retention of all four graduates this year to practice in Brandon and surrounding areas,” says Penner. “They’ve embraced the challenges and rewards of clinical practice in a smaller community. Patients will no doubt benefit from the addition of our newest family physicians.”
A new program this year includes a third-year training program in emergency medicine for family physicians. Stephen Smith and Colin Yardley began their program on July 2.
Another new program introduced this year is a U of M anesthesia residency training program in conjunction with the College of Medicine Winnipeg campus. Peter Benoit began his program on July 2. This is a five-year program and Benoit will spend approximately two years of his training in Brandon.
Longer-range goals for the College of Medicine’s Brandon Satellite Program are the development of other post-graduate specialty residency training programs and third-year clinical clerkship rotations for undergraduate medical students.