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Become a peer health educator with Healthy U: volunteer applications now open

A great way for students to help other students live healthier lives. Applications open March 17 and close March 31, 2025

March 17, 2025 — 

We know the importance of caring for our wellness and the impact our health and wellness have on our academic success. Accessing support on campus is essential in maintaining a positive experience throughout university. Everyone deserves access to support for their health, whether this be addressing challenges or taking proactive measures to maintain their overall wellness.

The Student Wellness Centre is looking for motivated and compassionate students to become peer health educators with UM’s Healthy U program starting September 2025. Applications (Apply to become a Healthy U volunteer 2025-2026) open March 17 and close March 3, 2025 at 11:59 p.m. CST.

Founded in 2015, Healthy U (HU) is an opportunity for students to gain valuable training in the health and wellness field while promoting education on numerous topics including mental health, physical health, sexual health and substance use. Healthy U engages in online health promotion through social media and develops and facilitates numerous outreach events and initiatives such as sex pub trivia, stress management, and self compassion. In addition to health promotion, Healthy U volunteers are trained to provide one-to-one peer support using an empathetic, non-judgemental lens, meeting students where they’re at and helping them feel empowered in taking control of their own health.

“I have learnt so much about importance of health and wellness in our university’s community and I have enjoyed learning more about diverse populations here at UofM while fostering community and making friendships. I look forward to volunteering next year and continuing to advocate for wellness” – Jodh G., former Healthy U volunteer and current Student Wellness Centre staff member.

“Being a HealthyU member has enabled me to become a more culturally competent individual. The community that the HealthyU team builds not only offers a safe and welcoming space for others but also for yourself. Overall, being a member can be a very rewarding and self-fulfilling experience!” – Bowen C., former Healthy U volunteer.

For those with an interest in health and wellness, looking to connect with their peers, or strive to creating a healthy campus, Healthy U may be the rewarding experience you are looking for.

To learn more and apply to be a Healthy U volunteer, visit the Healthy U website.

For any additional questions or application information please contact healthyu[at]umanitoba[dot]ca.

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