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Leif Jensen, a legal aid lawyer who represented Mason, said the legislation is a step in the right direction. (Trevor Brine/CBC)

CBC Manitoba: Legislation will ban incarceration under Health Act after Manitoba woman with TB jailed

March 13, 2025 — 

Leif Jensen, a legal aid lawyer who works at the University of Manitoba’s community law centre and was Mason’s lawyer, welcomes the change.

“Where liberty is at issue, when we’re putting someone in detention, whether it’s in a hospital or jail or even in their own home … having the maximum amount of procedural fairness is important, and a provincial court justice can provide that,” Jensen said.

He said while the legislation is a step in the right direction, he’s waiting to read all the new regulations to fully understand the impact of the changes. 

To read the entire article, please follow the link to CBC Manitoba.


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