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Female speaker standing behind a podium with arms raised, speaking to the audience.

Marley Pauls [BA(Hons)/24] speaks to students and supervisors at the Celebration of Undergraduate Research luncheon.

Celebrating undergraduate research

Faculty of Arts honours 2024 URA and PURE recipient contributions

September 16, 2024 — 

For the second year in a row, the Faculty of Arts gathered in August to celebrate the efforts and contributions of undergraduate student researchers.

Over 35 Faculty of Arts students who were 2024 undergraduate student research award (URA) and psychology undergraduate research experience award (PURE) competition winners and their research advisors came together for a luncheon event where they shared what the students worked on, what the supervisors had to say about the students’ amazing work and what each student learned from their experience.

“Undergraduate students play an important role in helping advance the research that takes place in our Faculty,” said Dr. Heidi Marx, Dean, Faculty of Arts. “Whether applied or fundamental, Arts research explores questions and issues that are critical to our society, and makes meaningful contributions to knowledge and our understanding of the world we live in. At the same time, the students learn valuable skills that they will be able to draw upon in both their studies and their future careers.”

“Students learn valuable skills that they will be able to draw upon in both their studies and their future careers.” – Dr. Heidi Marx, Dean

Through research work, Faculty of Arts students build skills in research methodologies and techniques, how to write about and present data, data collection and analysis, public speaking, critical thinking and technical skills such as using software or various lab techniques. The award winners shared how they worked on exciting and diverse tasks such as scouring databases, legislation, library catalogs and archives, conducting literature reviews, designing surveys, recruiting research participants and conducting interviews, analyzing data and helping to communicate research findings to the greater community by contributing to a variety of items such as articles, reports, presentations, blogs and video essays.

Marley Pauls [BA(Hons)/24], a former URA recipient, spoke to the students about why they became a student researcher and the thrill of winning first place in the oral format category at the 2023 UM Undergraduate Research Showcase (Humanities and Social Sciences category). Now a graduate student in linguistics and discourse studies at Carleton University, they shared with students how participating in research enhanced their overall undergraduate experience and led to opportunities they wouldn’t have imagined were available and possible.

At the luncheon, the students were encouraged to take what they’ve learned to the next level by applying for the UM undergraduate research showcase and for future research awards. Dr. Marx added that participating in these events “can open doors to even more skill-building opportunities for students to further their experience and learning”.

The event was a huge success. There were many smiling faces as each student received a keepsake that included a personal message from their academic supervisor. The students were reminded to feel proud of their contributions and accomplishments. In return, the students thanked their supervisors for providing the opportunity to learn and explore many unique and exciting areas of study.

2024 URA award recipient Grace Elendu, a criminology major, encourages fellow Arts undergraduate students to apply for a future URA. “University is all about taking opportunities and gaining new experiences,” Elendu shared. “Say yes to as many things as you can. You never know where that ‘yes’ could take you in the future.”


Research opportunities for students

The next UM undergraduate research showcase takes place on October 24, 2024. Learn more and apply.

Undergraduate students can apply for a 2025 URA or PURE. Visit the web for more information and to see deadlines for each award.


Watch what students had to say about their Arts undergraduate research experience:



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