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Jasmine Wood St John's Residence Story

Aspiring to make a difference for Indigenous success

Fifth-year student shares her journey in post-secondary education

April 2, 2024 — 

Jasmine Wood’s pursuit of post-secondary education began when she left her First Nations reservation in northern Manitoba in 2018.

Jasmine spent a year in an Indigenous military program in Ontario. Upon completing her program and getting accepted to the University of Manitoba, an advisor at the Indigenous Student Centre on campus recommended to Jasmine to live in St. John’s Residence in her preparation for first year.

“The Residence welcomed me with open arms, and it has given me the space and support to realize and evolve into the person I want to become while also letting me focus on my studies in a way I wouldn’t be able to if I lived off-campus.”

St John’s Residence became a home to Jasmine, and over the course of her undergraduate degree she has stayed.

“The staff and community have allowed me to feel safe and secure with a sense of home away from home. I have gained a lot of self-confidence and learned a lot about myself in my time living in St. John’s Residence.”

Now in her fifth year as an Indigenous Studies major, Jasmine looks to graduate next spring with aspirations of making a difference with contributions to Indigenous voices, rights, and education. 

“I want to use my studies to help boost Indigenous people up, create more opportunities, and make a difference for Indigenous success. I know I’m an ambitious person who wants many things, but I can’t help but want to achieve them all with the education I’m learning.”

Jasmine looks forward to seeing her aspirations realized with her post-secondary education. She hopes that with all her endeavors and efforts that she will be able to meaningfully give back to the communities that she has been a part of, including but not limited to the youth, students coming into St. John’s Residence, and her community up north.

To learn more about the residence and its benefits, visit our website


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