Talking about microbes and meaningful change
Black History Month 2024 with Faculty of Science student Steve Daley
“What I wanted to do with my life led me to microbiology… Being able to help or to shape the environment in a positive way using what we have,” said Steve Daley when we asked him why he chose microbiology. Daley is a PhD student in the department of microbiology, University of Manitoba, conducting his research on ethanol production. Daley discussed his biggest challenge during his graduate studies at UM. He said he was stuck on a problem for over a year and had to try many different approaches to find the solution. This has taught him the importance of perseverance, not only in science but in life. When asked what we can do to support students in overcoming challenges and barriers at UM, Daley pointed out the importance of lowering the tuition fees or increasing the wage for teaching assistant positions, giving students a higher quality of life by lowering the financial burdens. He also talked about the significance of having events that are inclusive to everyone and give students a chance to share their culture.
Watch the full interview on the Faculty of Science’s YouTube channel.