Fake news filter: UM Extended Education to offer Media Literacy program
If you’ve ever wondered how to sort fact from fiction from everything you see online, hear in conversations, and in the media, there is now a program to help.
UM’s Extended Education Media Literacy program, made up of three different courses, can show people how to employ investigative journalism techniques to find and filter information. It will be taught by Cecil Rosner, renowned investigative journalist, former news veteran with CBC News and chess columnist for the Globe and Mail.
“We’re bombarded every day with deceptive messages and downright misinformation, but there are ways to cut through the noise and get closer to the truth. I’m excited to be able to offer some techniques investigative journalists use to help people navigate the media and find important facts,” says Rosner.
Participants will learn to scour a wide range of sources for a variety of uses and reasons including learning how to identify and locate public records, filing Access to Information requests, and skills to objectively assess the truth and credibility of media reports while spotting fake news.
“We are truly excited to be able to launch a program that draws on the experience of one of Canada’s most awarded and respected investigative journalists,” says Rod Lastra, acting dean, Extended Education at UM. “In an era of unprecedented proliferation and commodification of data and information, a program like this is urgently needed to empower people to research and validate facts to improve their information literacy. Cecil has developed a truly relevant program aimed at providing basic investigative skills and tools to sift the real from the fake.”
Participants will receive a Letter of Accomplishment (LOA) upon completion. Registration for the program is now open, with classes beginning May 8th.
You can find more details on courses at: umextended.ca/media-literacy.
UM Extended Education provides both non-degree (non-credit) continuing education and pathways to degree studies. It is a premier provider of online professional development programs in Canada with programs and courses that draw upon the expertise of the university, industry, and community.
For more information: Randy Holyk, Manager, Marketing & Communications
Extended Education, University of Manitoba, 204-793-9459
or email: Randy.Holyk@umanitoba.ca