We will make 2023 another great year!
New Year’s message from President Benarroch
Happy New Year!
Welcome back. I hope everyone enjoyed a restful break.
As we look forward, I’m excited for what we’ll achieve together in 2023. Last year offered much to be proud of. We had a very successful return to in-person teaching and learning, celebrated many awards, made incredible breakthroughs in research, and contributed to our province and beyond in remarkable ways.
2022 also saw a record-setting nine Vanier Scholars, an incredible federal investment in the future of the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation and a transformational gift from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for UM researchers’ work to improve maternal and newborn health in India.
Together, we’re making progress on our Reconciliation Action Plan, our Anti-Racism Strategy, and much work is being done to ensure our campus is a safe space where everyone can dream big.
Thank you to all our faculty, staff, coaches, mentors and students for consistently striving for excellence in every endeavor.
One of the most important initiatives we will undertake together this year is creating the next iteration of our strategic plan. We will offer many opportunities for you to engage, and I look forward to sharing details with you on the process later this month.
Our efforts matter greatly to students, Manitobans, and the global community. We are Manitoba’s research university and I am deeply proud to lead this institution and to champion how we collectively enhance our entire province.
Finally, thank you for continuing to wear masks. Your respectful participation in this effort really does matter and contributes to the wellbeing of our community. We will not continue the mask mandate indefinitely, but for now, it is the right thing to do to help keep our community safe.
Here’s to our collective wellness and success in 2023!
Thank you. Miigwech.
Michael Benarroch, PhD
President and Vice-Chancellor