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Fort Garry campus in winter

Responding to Sexual Violence Disclosures workshops – Winter 2020

The University of Manitoba is committed to ensuring a respectful work and learning environment, where attitudes and behaviours that lead to sexual violence are rejected and survivors receive the supports they need. It is also possible that UM employees may receive a disclosure of sexual violence from a student, colleague, or friend. This series of workshops will help prepare you for that possibility.

This 3 hour session will guide UM employees on ways to provide compassionate, supportive and consistent responses to those disclosing a sexual assault. This workshop will walk you through the key elements and guidelines to responding to a sexual assault disclosure and introduce and explain the current sexual assault policy on campus. There will be opportunity to view case scenarios and discuss how to respond based on information learned in the workshop. The workshop also includes an activity to practice confidentiality statements.


  • February 3 from 9:00am-12:00pm at 223-65 Dafoe Rd (CATL)
  • April 9 from 1:00-4:00pm at 223-65 Dafoe Rd (CATL)


  • February 26 from 9:00am-12:00pm at A474 Chown Building 
  • March 26 from 9:00am-12:00pm at A474 Chown Building


You can register for these sessions on the LOD registration system (search for “Responding to Sexual Violence Disclosures”).

For student groups interested in similar training, please contact the Health and Wellness Educator, Britt Harvey at



2 comments on “Responding to Sexual Violence Disclosures workshops – Winter 2020


    Is this only open to uofm students? if not i would very much like to register, although i was a student many moons ago.

    1. UM Today Staff

      Thanks for the email and question. As the course is largely about helping UM faculty, staff and students navigate the supports available to our campus community, the course is not available to people from outside of the institution at present time. However, there is information about providing a supportive response, and community resources the website at:

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