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Connect your commute with GoManitoba

August 30, 2019 — 

Are you ready to try commuting in a healthy, sustainable way or get rewarded for your efforts if you are already doing so?

GoManitoba is a province-wide platform that connects individuals to sustainable commuting options. Its purpose is to ease travel by finding compatible carpool partners, promote public transit use where available and match individuals to bike or walk mentors. The platform is quick, secure and easy to use; simply type in where you would like to go. You can choose between commuting with others from campus, or with those who are simply travelling on the same route as you, including one-time trips.

What are the benefits of carpooling? In addition to saving money by reducing car repairs, gas consumption and parking, carpooling reduces greenhouse gas emissions and your carbon footprint. It provides the opportunity to establish new connections in the workplace or in your community while reducing stress and overall time spent commuting. If you are looking to carpool with individuals, simply enter your typical commute times as well as your start and end destinations. GoManitoba connects you with other individuals nearby who have a similar commute. Preferential carpool stalls are available in U, Q and B lots on the Fort Garry campus, and in E lot on the Bannatyne campus. These stalls are available for parkers with a valid permit only.

If you want to start cycling, walking or taking the bus but are unsure of how to get to campus, GoManitoba makes it possible. First, the platform provides you with recommended routes that are safe and efficient while fitting your personal preferences. GoManitoba can also partner you with a volunteer mentor – whether it is for cycling, walking or taking the bus – who is familiar with the method and can help you learn how the system works. If you decide to choose cycling as your sustainable commuting option, there are approximately 1,400 bike parking spaces on the Fort Garry campus and 150 spaces on the Bannatyne campus. For a fee, there are shower-only passes and enclosed bike parking spaces available on both campuses.

Even if you already embrace sustainable commuting options, GoManitoba offers features to enhance your travel. Using your commuting data, the platform provides you with calories burned, money saved and greenhouse gas emissions reduced – your results might surprise you! Prizes are offered to reward regular site users who log their trips.

The U of M is one of GoManitoba’s founding partners. By signing in as a U of M student, staff or faculty, GoManitoba will automatically connect you with the rest of the campus community and provide matches if they are available.

Sign up today at!


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