New Faculty Member, Dr. Robert Mizzi
Looking abroad as well as from within
Dr. Robert Mizzi was welcomed to the Faculty of Education, University of Manitoba in the role of Assistant Professor in the Department of Educational Administration, Foundations and Psychology (EAF&P) in July 2013.
Attracted by the University of Manitoba’s international and human rights focus, Dr. Mizzi has been able to pursue his research interests in understanding the challenges facing educators working locally and in foreign contexts and explore ways in which administration can be helpful in addressing concerns. He explains, “I am largely interested in the work, welfare and wellbeing of educators in their educational institutions. I focus on this topic both in the K-12 and adult education/human resource development sectors. There are two groups of educators that I am particularly interested in: (1) lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) educators and (2) educators who cross borders to work in foreign countries.”
Formerly a SSHRC Research Facilitator at Lakehead University (Thunder Bay, Canada), Dr. Mizzi has also been a SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellow at Florida International University (Miami, USA). He has also worked for Queen’s University (Kingston, Canada) as an instructor in the International Educators Training Program (2008-2013) and Charles Sturt University (Burlington, Canada) as an instructor in the Master of International Education (School Leadership) Program (2011-2013). In 2011, he was a Visiting Professor to the University of Pristina in Mitrovica (Kosovo).
Dr. Mizzi has worked in over 35 countries focusing on educator development in K-12 settings and in adult learning contexts.
At the Faculty of Education Dr. Mizzi teaches:
• EDUA 2810: Administrative Foundations of Education
• EDUA 7050: Theoretical Perspectives in Educational Administration
• Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Language, Culture and Teaching at York University (Toronto, Canada) (2011)
• Masters of Education (MEd) in International/Global Education at the University of Alberta (Edmonton, Canada) (2002)
• Bachelor of Education (BEd) University of Windsor (Windsor, Canada) (1997)
• Honours Bachelor of Arts in Drama-in-Education (Hons BA) University of Windsor (Windsor, Canada) (1996)
For more information on Dr. Mizzi’s work, visit