3MT 2020 Final Competition – Watch live online June 3
This year’s Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) competition final will look a little different than in previous years. The Faculty of Graduate Studies is excited to announce that the event will be broadcast online starting at 7pm on June 3. The event will still feature a panel of judges and the opportunity for viewers to vote for People’s Choice. The event was originally scheduled for March and then delayed due to COVID-19. Now, the event will take place online, allowing the finalists who worked so hard to prepare the opportunity to showcase their research.
The finalists for this year’s 3MT competition demonstrate a great range of work being done by University of Manitoba graduate students. The 3MT heats featured 33 students. 12 finalists were selected – both master’s and doctoral students – who will now compete in this online final competition.
3MT is an annual competition where challengers have just three minutes to present their research and its importance in plain language, using only a single slide to illustrate their topic. The competitors are judged on comprehension, engagement, ease of communication while providing an understanding of the background and significance of their research.
At the final competition on June 3rd, the judges will choose the top three, and the audience will vote for People’s Choice. Students will compete for the Dr. Archie McNicol Prize for First Place ($2,500) and advance to the Western Canada Regional Competition to be held later this year, the UM Retirees Prize for Second Place ($1,250), Third Place ($750), and the People’s Choice award ($250).
Everyone is invited to watch this exciting event and cheer on the finalists virtually.
Wednesday, June 3
7-8 p.m.
Find the livestream here.
Please register for this free event here.
Anna Mikhailitchenko
Dept: Biological Sciences
Supervisor: Dr. Gail K. Davoren
Thesis Title: Patterns in humpback whale non-song calls across time on their Newfoundland feeding grounds
Landon Falk
Dept: Physiology and Pathophysiology
Supervisor: Dr. Richard Keijzer
Thesis Title: The role of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor in the pathogenesis of congenital diaphragmatic hernia
Chetan Patil
Dept: Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Supervisor: Dr. Michael Jackson
Thesis Title: Shutting the door on the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.
Xiang Li
Dept: Food Science
Supervisor: Dr. Filiz Koksel
Thesis Title: Eating puffed snacks without feeling guilty
Jamie Dearnley
Dept: Chemistry
Supervisor: Dr. Gregg Tomy
Thesis Title: Using fish bile to assess oil spill clean-up techniques on freshwater lakes
Jessica Nicksy
Dept: Soil Science
Supervisor: Dr. Martin Entz and Dr. Brian Amiro
Thesis Title: Closing the loop on urban waste: Anthronutrients for organic crops
Tyson Reimer
Dept: Physics and Astronomy
Supervisor: Dr. Stephen Pistorius
Thesis Title: Detecting Breast Cancer with Microwaves
Alana Signore
Dept: Kinesiology and Recreation Management
Supervisor: Dr. Shaelyn Strachan
Thesis Title: Teaching self-compassion to people with prediabetes
Zoya Buckmire
Dept: Natural Resources Institute
Supervisor: Dr. Nicola Koper
Thesis Title: Understanding Mangrove Zonation: the key to successful restoration
Toby Le
Dept: Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
Supervisor: Dr. Keith Fowke
Thesis Title: Understanding the links between DMPA and HIV risk
Sarah Bohunicky
Dept: Kinesiology and Recreation Management
Supervisor: Dr. Trisha Scribbans
Thesis Title: Shoulder pain: Can we reduce the risk of it in only 4-minutes?
Shanelle Gingras
Dept: Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
Supervisor: Dr. Paul McLaren
Thesis Title: Safer surfing: the impact of genetics on inflammation and HIV susceptibility