2023 pension committee election results
In an email on May 11 to all Pension Plan (1993) members, UM confirmed the reelection to the committee of active voting representatives Yik Au, Associate Professor, Asper School of Business and Will Christie, Information Technology Specialist, Information Services and Technology.

Information technology specialist (IST) Will Christie.

Asper School of Business professor Yik Au.
This year’s election for the University of Manitoba Pension Plan Committee (1993) had 6 candidates. The voter turnout was 1,417 voters or 28.1 per cent of the electorate. This compared to the 2020 election where there were 4 candidates with 1,360 voters or 28.8 per cent of the electorate.
This year’s election for the Non-Active Voting Representative fielded for the first time 2 candidates. The voter turnout was 209 voters or 14.8 per cent of the electorate.

Charles Mossman, former finance associate professor, Asper.
In a May 10 letter to retirees, UM confirmed the election of Charles Mossman, former Finance Associate Professor, Asper School of Business, University of Manitoba (1990 – 2013).
Shortly after the election, a survey went out to all those who voted. Read on for the survey results.
Survey Results
Statement I
would describe voting electronically in the 2023 Pension Committee elections as easy to do, taking me a minimal amount of time.
- 88.7 per cent agree or strongly agree
Statement II
I received timely notice and adequate information about the Pension Committee elections through U of M Today and personal emails sent to me on behalf of the Pension Office, University of Manitoba prior to voting.
- 80.5 per cent agree or strongly agree