17 global goals to accomplish 3 big things
“We only have one planet. We have nowhere else to go. If we use our creative powers properly we don’t need anywhere else. If we take care of it, and each other, everything we need is right here.”
– Sir Ken Robinson, Author & Educator
Have you been working toward one of the global goals for sustainable development? Whether you’ve been working to help end poverty or hunger, contributing in the fight against climate change or advocating for gender equality, we want to hear about it.
The UN has recently established Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)— 17 Global Goals for a safer, fairer, and more just world for everyone.
Starting September 18, the University of Manitoba along with youth organizations around the world, are working together to raise awareness about the 17 Global Goals. This initiative titled The World’s Largest Lesson introduces the UN SDGs to people around the world and unites them in action. The goals target the challenges faced by people globally and encourage everyone to do what they can, take action and strive to make our planet a better place.
The 17 Global Goals strive to accomplish 3 big things by 2030:
- End extreme poverty
- Fight inequality and injustice
- Tackle climate change
For 5 weeks, @SustainableUofM (Facebook, Instagram and Twitter) will be highlighting the various groups at the U of M which are working toward the 17 goals. Groups like PACA (Poverty Awareness & Community Action Workshops), Leaf Rapids Service-Learning Experience, and Careers that Fight Climate Change Mentorship Program are stepping up to tackle poverty, inequality and injustice, and climate change on campus and in our communities. Follow our posts to find out more!
If you are personally working towards one of the 17 Global Goals, we want to hear about it! Tag us in your post (@SustainableUofM) and use #UMGlobalGoals and #WorldsLargestLesson so you can join the global movement.
If you want to get involved with one of the groups on campus working towards the 17 Global Goals, email sustainability@umanitoba.ca and we will help connect you with the right people.