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Traditional healer marks a student's face with red fruit.

Pharmacy student learns about traditional medicine from Ecuador experts

When Brendon Virtucio heard that a group of students from Rady Faculty of Health Sciences was going to South America to learn from Indigenous healers, he jumped at the chance.

“When are you ever going to go into the Amazon and learn about traditional medicines? said the PharmD student. “Other people were like, ‘I don’t want to go. There’s going to be soooo many spiders!’ But I was willing to try everything and anything.”

The group arrived in  the Andes mountains in Ecuador, then journeyed on to a small healing and birthing centre in the Amazon rain forest run  by a collective of Kichwa healers and midwives.

“I really had no expectations, but when I got there it shocked me because it was very similar to my childhood in the Philippines,” said Virtucio. “The people looked different and they spoke another language, but for the most part, everything looked the same.”

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Beyond the textbooks

This month we will highlight the staff, faculty and students involved in co-op placements, internships, and work-study programs. Find out more about how UM is helping students gain practical skills and industry experience before they start their careers.

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Learn more about co-op as a student at UM

Co-op is one of the ways students can directly expand their understanding of the field. It opens many doors, leads to different horizons and illuminates different trajectories that students may not have been aware of. It also allows students to see the emerging trends in the field and get a glimpse of the direction that the industry may be heading towards.

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