Wpg Free Press: Local advocates join fight to trash refugee agreement with United States
As the Winnipeg Free Press reports:
…Refugee advocates and legal minds in Canada say it’s time to scrap the deal because the U.S. is no longer safe for refugees…
On Saturday morning, University of Manitoba law students are joining counterparts across Canada for a “research-a-thon” to help with the legal arguments challenging the Safe Third Country Agreement. Trump’s order to suspend the U.S. refugee program prompted Maddie Pearlman to organize the Winnipeg event.
“I was particularly outraged. I was scared. I was confused,” said Pearlman. Before law school, she got her master’s degree in refugee studies and worked with newcomer kids at the Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization of Manitoba for two years.
“I learned so much from these kids and their families — their past experiences, their lives. My time at IRCOM motivates me and inspires me to keep doing the work that I’m doing.” What’s happening in the U.S. is having an impact in Canada, she said. “It’s all related and all part of the bigger issue of discrimination and intolerance and power.” She’s expecting more than 30 law students to help out at Saturday’s research-a-thon.
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