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Neil McArthur, director of the centre for professional and applied ethics at the University of Manitoba (photo CBC)

Winnipeg Free Press: Transparency issues over child-care inspection reports remain despite move to digital records

June 28, 2024 — 

University of Manitoba ethicist Neil McArthur said it is in the public interest to make the full reports accessible.

“You’re (a parent) looking at 10 different child-care centres and you want to know which one will not electrocute my kid because it has open wiring or whatever,” McArthur said.

While parents can seek out inspection reports by requesting them from centres, they shouldn’t have to, he said. The child-care search process is already onerous enough, with wait lists of parents hoping to get into Manitoba centres stretching into the hundreds — per facility.

To read the full article, please visit the Winnipeg Free Press


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