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Portrait of Adam King, Labour Studies

Winnipeg Free Press: Parental leave top-ups push way into contract negotiation spotlight

August 21, 2024 — 

Adam King, a University of Manitoba labour studies professor, considers the new Legal Aid Lawyers’ Association contract “somewhat strange.”

Members receive a top-up for a maternity leave — covering roughly four months post-partum — but not parental leave, which can begin once maternity leave ends.

“Typically, if you have a top-up on one, you have a top-up on both,” King said.

There’s been a long-standing demand from Canada’s labour movement to reform the country’s employment insurance program and “make it more generous,” King added.

“Because employment insurance in Canada is relatively stingy … you have this problem of unions trying to negotiate benefit top-ups.”

To read the entire story, please visit Winnipeg Free Press.


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