Video celebrates Indigenous alumni of Diploma in Agriculture program
On May 31, the University of Manitoba School of Agriculture hosted a public screening of the first video in a series that highlight and celebrate the accomplishments of Indigenous alumni and First Nations communities.
“Indigenous Voices – Sharing our Agricultural History and Journey” is a vivid and inspiring 24-minute film which features Ardell Cochrane, Robert Maytwayashing and E.J. Fontaine, three Diploma in Agriculture alumni from different communities who share their path to the University of Manitoba and beyond.
The series, which will include two additional videos, is the result of the ongoing partnership with the School of Agriculture and Indigenous community leaders as they work to bring Indigenous cultural awareness and knowledge into the School’s programming. The focus of the films is to provide a forum for the Manitoban Indigenous community to share their stories, history and culture with University of Manitoba students, staff and the Manitoba agri-food community.
The Indigenous Voices video series has been generously supported by the UM Indigenous Initiatives Fund.
“Indigenous Voices – Sharing our Agricultural History and Journey” is available on the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences YouTube channel and the public is encouraged to share the video broadly. When incorporating into curriculum or other public presentations, we ask that you acknowledge the School of Agriculture, University of Manitoba. In addition, we welcome feedback and knowing of the ways you have shared this video. Send us an email at agschool@umanitoba.ca.