Message on beautifying campuses
Associate Vice-President (Administration) Andrew Konowalchuk gave the following message:
Now in its 19th year, Campus Beautification Day has become a University of Manitoba tradition! We hope you’ll join us for a morning of planting and beautifying our campuses on Friday, May 27. It’s a wonderful community event uniting staff, students, faculty, retirees, local school groups and many others in making our surrounding environment a beautiful place to work, study and visit.
Following the morning projects, we hope you’ll stay to enjoy the barbeque lunch at the Active Living Centre at the Fort Garry Campus and in front of the Brodie Centre at the Bannatyne Campus. Coordination tables will be located at strategic places on both campuses to provide direction on how to contribute your time and also to distribute lunch tickets. Even if you can only join for part of the morning, we would love to see a full turnout of the entire University community for both the planting and lunch activities. More information is available here.
See you this Friday!