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Top 5 Convocation tips

May 17, 2017 — 

The big day is coming up – Convocation. Here are five tips to help you get the most out of your experience:

  1. Let us know you’re coming by reserving your cap and gown before May 23.
  2. Stop by the photo booth in Max Bell and take some photos with your friends. Tag them #umanitoba2017 to share your pride with us.
  3. Invite your in friends and family who are attending your ceremony to meet you after on the Curry Place Pedway if it’s sunny or in Max Bell Fieldhouse if it’s rainy. And don’t forget to tell them about the FREE PARKING in Q Lot or U Lot that day.
  4. Let your friends and family who can’t attend your ceremony know that they can still watch you cross the stage on our live stream.
  5. Plan to buy a frame to showcase your degree or a photo of you at the ceremony in your cap and gown. Both are available for purchase in Max Bell.

Don’t forget to take a moment to think about all you’ve accomplished – how hard the journey has been, the deadlines and the late hours, the sacrifices you may have had to make, but also how sweet this victory is. You’ve worked hard, you’ve met your goal, now go out, make us proud and change the world.


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