Top 10 Reasons to Visit UM Libraries Today
Welcome back to the UM Libraries! The Libraries are at the heart of the university community and are essential to research, study, academic development, collaborations, and meeting peers.
We’re excited to open our doors and welcome students to the Fall term. Whether it’s been a while since you’ve last visited our locations or it’s your first time on campus, we’d like to remind you of 10 reasons to visit our libraries!
Study spaces and several locations
UM Libraries have seven library locations as well as archives and special collections. Each of the libraries provide spaces for students to learn, work and do research. From quiet study spaces to group study rooms and active learning spaces, there’s a place for you.
Get ahead of the game by printing
UM Libraries have your campus solution for printing. Students automatically have a Library Print account associated with their UMnetID (student card). You can print from a library computer or from most personal devices. Don’t wait until the last minute. You can load money onto your account from anywhere, anytime and be ready to go when you need it.
Don’t own a computer?
We have you covered with our self-serve laptop lending from the Laptop Lending locker located on the main floor of the Elizabeth Dafoe Library. Laptops are available for a 4-hour loan period and can be borrowed and returned during the library’s hours of operation. Don’t forget that there are also desktop computers for students to use on-site!
All the materials
Library collections offer a diverse range of items for different uses. Research and study materials are essential in setting you up for success in your courses, but some materials can also be used purely for interests and beyond. Read some of the labels in the stacks whenever you’re walking through a library to see just how much libraries can offer!
There are also many materials you can access online like full-text journal articles, newspaper articles, online books, and more. You can view these materials from anywhere at any time. These resources can help you optimize your research and its impact.
Convenient pickup lockers
Self-serve pickup lockers are the easiest ways to get physical items requested from any of our seven library locations. Lockers are accessible during the hours the buildings are open – often longer than library hours themselves, making pickup lockers more accessible and convenient for you. You simply search to find items in our collections, from anywhere and at any time, then request the desired item to be sent to the pickup locker of your choice or send it to any library location for pickup.
Check it out yourself
Looking to borrow materials? No waiting required. All Libraries have self-checkout kiosks where you can quickly scan the items you want to check out before you leave the library. Even faster, there is a self-checkout app that you can download for your Android or Apple mobile device and use to check out your items from anywhere in the library.
Workshops and events
The Libraries host workshops and events throughout the year that help with different topics and skillsets. These include data management, archive use, introductions to online research platforms and software, and more. Workshops are offered for both undergraduate and graduate students.
Librarians and Archivists
Each program or department has a librarian working closely with students and instructors to provide help with research and library materials. If you need assistance with finding the right materials for your task, there are librarians for every area of study who can point you in the right direction. Students consulting with these experts get the ins and outs of what it means to analyze materials for relevance, accuracy and overall quality.
Get support and information in many ways
Get started with Learn at the Libraries to find out how to use library resources for your study and research. What exactly does it mean to write and use references correctly as a university student? This online resource has all the answers you may need.
If you have any questions, the Ask Us online chat service connects you to UM Libraries staff. You can also visit any UM Library service desk, where staff are always helpful and happy to answer your questions.
The atmosphere
If you need to focus, there’s something about being around other students studying that also gets you motivated. Getting yourself a cup of coffee and concentrating on your to-do list where it’s quiet can be therapeutic. Study spaces are equipped with what you need for the day – study carrels, water filling stations to keep you hydrated, electrical outlets for your devices, and more. Not to mention that some windows look out on some beautiful scenery on campus.
Yet it also makes you feel just as excited to see libraries full of life and other students working together. The hustle and bustle of library main floors as you’re walking in offers familiar sights and sounds that you can only really get from campus life. Regardless of what you’re visiting UM Libraries for, we’re excited to have you back!