The President’s Student Leadership Program visits The Pas
PSLP participants deepen their understanding of Reconciliation and leadership in the North
The President’s Student Leadership Program (PSLP) led by Dr. Suzanne Gagnon, Canada Life Chair in Leadership Education, and Director of the James W. Burns Leadership Institute, will visit The Pas, Manitoba from February 10 to12, 2023, to meet with and learn from local leaders. The group will be hosted by Dr. Dan Smith, Vice-President Academic and Research at University College of the North (UCN), a partner of the PSLP since its inception four years ago.
While in The Pas, students will meet with distinguished leaders including Edwin Jebb, Chancellor, UCN, and Opaskwayak Cree Nation Band Counselor; Christian Sinclair, former Onekanew (Chief) of Opaskwayak Cree Nation and Economic Development Strategist; Minister Judy Mayer, Vice President, Manitoba Metis Federation—The Pas Region; Doug Lauvstad, President and Vice Chancellor, UCN; Lynette Plett, Associate Vice President, Mihcet Meskanawah (Many Pathways) Teaching and Learning; Dan Smith, Vice President—Academic & Research, UCN; and Helga Bryant, Chief Executive Officer, Northern Health Region, and incoming UCN Dean of Health.
During the visit, the theme of the sessions is economic reconciliation, and they focus on deepening participants’ understanding of leadership in the North. Students will study the opportunities and challenges of Indigenous-settler relations while considering how leadership contributes to reconciliation and how young leaders in the PSLP can support these efforts and make meaningful impact. For Dr. Gagnon, “exposing young leaders to Indigenous approaches to leadership is integral to developing well-rounded and socially aware leaders who are prepared to serve in any sphere in Manitoba and beyond.”
The trip fulfills the program’s pan-provincial mandate, exposing young leaders in Manitoba to the realities of living, working and leading throughout Manitoba. The trip will help PSLP participants cultivate an understanding of leadership in northern Manitoba. The PSLP is a an annual, cohort-based program that builds a network of students across disciplines and backgrounds including students from UM (70 % of participants) as well as the other major Manitoban postsecondary institutions: UCN, UW, RRC and U Brandon.
The PSLP is grounded in diversity, which is reflected in its selection methods and the participants themselves. The UM President’s Program is geared toward providing students with the relevant leadership education to prepare them for leadership roles in their chosen fields and within communities in Manitoba and beyond.
This year’s cohort comprises 20 participants representing 14 disciplines from four institutions.
Applications for the fifth cohort are now open until February 19, 2023. Visit the PSLP website for full program details, eligibility criteria and instructions on how to apply.