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The Gerry McDole Professorship Award – call for applications

May 1, 2020 — 

The Gerry McDole Professorship in Improved Healthcare Delivery to Rural, Remote and Underserved Populations of Manitoba.

The Rady Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Manitoba, invites applications for The Gerry McDole Professorship. This Professorship of $50,000 is presented annually to a deserving new academic faculty member in the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences for research in health service delivery and/or health policy development. The term of the award will be no greater than three years. The goal of the professorship is to improve the delivery of healthcare services to rural, remote and underserved populations of Manitoba.

Funding of this award is through an endowment from AstraZeneca honouring the retirement of their President, Mr. Gerry McDole.

Application Deadline: August 4, 2020

Guidelines and application information can be obtained by visiting: or by contacting:

The Vice-Dean Research Office

Rady Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Manitoba

A203 Chown Buidling

753 McDermot Ave.

Winnipeg, Manitoba R3E 0T6

Tel: 204-789-3375

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