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Faculty of Education News Archive


Desautels Faculty of Music

Music program changing lives

August 18, 2016 — 
A special music program run jointly by the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra and two Winnipeg schools is making positive change in the lives of students.

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Faculty of Education

New Member, Dr. Ee Seul Yoon

August 8, 2016 — 
Yoon was attracted by University of Manitoba’s leadership and the faculty’s vision for trying to bring more social justice and equity into the education system.

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Faculty of Education

Students break for summer, teachers hit the books

July 19, 2016 — 
Just when students are graduating and breaking for the summer, some 400 teachers are hitting the books or, in some cases, picking up a video camera for upgrading and professional development at the Faculty of Education

Faculty of Law

Gold medal grad reflects on Robson Hall

July 12, 2016 — 
“Even though I had choices about which law school to attend, I’m glad I chose this one,” said Josh. “I found it fun, believe it or not. I liked it."

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Dr. Richard Atleo

Faculty of Education

Honorary Degree An Expression of Reconciliation

June 17, 2016 — 
Dr. Richard Atleo, a research affiliate for the Faculty of Education, was honoured this week for academic and environmental leadership with an honorary doctor of education degree from University of Victoria.

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Faculty of Education

Our Human Capacity for Language: Insights from Signed Languages

June 15, 2016 — 
Dr. Enns' talk focuses on the visual strengths of deaf children and how signed languages can open our eyes to the diverse ways of making meaning in the world.


Faculty of Education

CanU showcased in CTV news spotlight

June 6, 2016 — 
Can U highlighted by CTV



Faculty of Law

Energy, enthusiasm, engagement: Prof. Heckman’s recipe for excellence

June 3, 2016 — 
Professor Gerald Heckman, winner of two awards for teaching excellence, shares his expertise.

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Faculty of Education

Faculty valedictorian living her dream

June 2, 2016 — 
Valedictorian Megan McManes reflects on her years at UM's Faculty of Education.

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Faculty of Education

Q & A: PhD candidate committed to First Nations education

June 2, 2016 — 
Murdock currently researching First Nations education leadership for schools on reserves in Manitoba

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