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economics News Archive


Op-ed: Cutting government spending is out of step with economic times

February 22, 2017 — 
Economists: The mantra about belt-tightening and sacrifice to balance the books may be intuitively appealing, but it reflects an outdated understanding of the role of government in a modern economy.



CBC: Manitoba Hydro’s walking on a tightrope — or is it?

February 21, 2017 — 
Economist John Loxley provides insight


Manitoba Legislature Building, Winnipeg.

Op-ed: Clarifying the impacts of the Mincome experiment

January 23, 2017 — 
Economist slays myths and explains what really happened in Dauphin, Manitoba, in the '70s

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CBC: Winnipeg worker says no minimum wage hike could mean families like his go hungry

October 7, 2016 — 
"The least blunt instrument, the 'scalpel,' would probably [be] something that's really targeted at low income workers along the lines of a refundable tax credit," Simpson said.


Left to right: Darren Fast, Technology Transfer Office, U of M; and problem winners Hong Ngoc (RRC); Olandunni Olanubi (U of M); Forouz Mahdinezhad (U of M); and Dumitru Ignat (U of M). Not pictured: Avery Simundsson (U of M)

Five problems, can you solve one?

September 28, 2016 — 
Out of 192 problems submitted, five have been selected, winning $250 each

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Canada's parliament building

Op-Ed: We are in danger of damaging a key institution in our economy and democracy

September 21, 2016 — 
Why should you and I care about the comings and goings of senior civil servants?



Wpg Free Press: Playing nice won’t work in negotiating trade deals

September 8, 2016 — 
What do canola and students have in common? If you had answered "China," go to the head of the class.


Dairy cow // Wikipedia

Op-ed: Supply management: red flags and red herrings

August 15, 2016 — 
'It is not clear how maintaining a 40-year-old system of market regulation can be considered trendsetting, but that is beside the point.'



The Atlantic: The Netherlands’ Upcoming Money-for-Nothing Experiment

June 21, 2016 — 
Economist and professor in the Department of Community Health Sciences, Evelyn Forget's research in guaranteed annual income is featured



New Yorker: The case for free money

June 13, 2016 — 
Evelyn Forget, an economist at the University of Manitoba, dug up the numbers


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