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Several copies of the new issue of RadyUM magazine are fanned out on a table.

Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

New issue of RadyUM welcomes sixth college to Rady Faculty

March 10, 2025 — 
The latest issue of RadyUM magazine is available now, online and in print. The cover story introduces the new College of Community and Global Health – soon to be the sixth college encompassed by the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences.

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Corrine Clyne speaks with an Elder on a boardwalk. A tree with fresh fruit is seen in the foreground.

Trail brings physical, spiritual and mental health to elders in First Nation community

February 7, 2025 — 
An Elder wellness project at Lake Manitoba First Nation done in partnership with the College of Rehabilitation Sciences will mark five years this spring, with continued work on an intergenerational walking path. 

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Dr. Joanne Parsons kneels behind two youth volleyball players doing exercises.

Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

Athletes’ Advocate

January 27, 2025 — 
Soon after Joanne Parsons [BMRPT/03, M.Sc./09, PhD/14] made the move from clinical physiotherapy to academia, she initiated a research project at a Winnipeg high school.

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Portraits of 10 grad students.

Outstanding Rady Faculty grad students earn Dean’s Prize

January 23, 2025 — 
The Dean of the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences Graduate Student Achievement Prize was awarded to 10 extraordinary graduate students in 2024. 

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A physiotherapist works with a young child in a colourful environment.

Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

Finding Fun in Physio

January 6, 2025 — 
When they graduated from UM’s physical therapy program, neither Melanie Sabourin [BA/13, MPT/19] nor her friend Mikaela Hoeppner [MPT/18] had any plans to own a business. But within a few years, the pair teamed up to open a unique Winnipeg clinic.


A student wearing a VR headset tries navigating a health-care scenario at the RadyVerse launch.

Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

Rady Roundup: Memorable Rady Faculty stories of 2024

December 10, 2024 — 
It’s been a year of exciting news in the areas of education, research and community service across the five colleges of the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences. Here’s a look at 10 of our most notable stories of 2024.

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Three students stand in front of a sundance lodge.

Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

Sundances offer students ‘crash course in culture’

November 27, 2024 — 
A program through the Office of Interprofessional Collaboration (OIPC) at the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences is helping students connect with Indigenous communities through ceremony. 

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Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

Partnership brings physiotherapy to two First Nations communities

November 19, 2024 — 
Residents of Lake Manitoba First Nation and Pinaymootang First Nation now have access to physiotherapy and rehabilitation expertise without having to travel.


Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

Rady Faculty hosts youth, inspires pursuit of the health professions and biomedical sciences

November 15, 2024 — 
Hundreds of high school students from Manitoba descended on Bannatyne campus Nov. 6 and 7 for two annual events at the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences highlighting the health sciences programs at UM and scientific discovery. 

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Graduands standing in the atrium at Bannatyne campus for convocation. A colourful piece of Indigenous artwork can be seen in the background encircling them.

Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

Rady Faculty dean urges new grads to ‘take flight’ in their careers

November 1, 2024 — 
As the sun shone brightly into the Brodie atrium at Bannatyne campus for fall convocation on Oct. 31, Dr. Peter Nickerson, vice-provost (health sciences) and dean, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences, asked the graduates of four health programs to take inspiration from the mural by Anishinaabe artist Blake Angeconeb that surrounded them. 

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