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climate News Archive

Climate Change Symposium

Climate Change: From Challenges to Opportunities

October 25, 2017 — 
Academics from across Canada will discuss this multi-faceted, global issue, and its impact on geography, business, natural resources, the Arctic and national security

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The research icebreaker CCGS Amundsen.

First phase of Arctic climate change study cancelled due to climate change

June 12, 2017 — 
'Climate-related changes in Arctic sea ice not only reduce its extent and thickness but also increase its mobility meaning that ice conditions are likely to become more variable and severe conditions such as these will occur more often'

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Ship going through Arctic ice

International team of researchers release status report on changing Arctic

April 25, 2017 — 
SWIPA give politicians and the public an understanding of what is occurring in this vital landscape

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Manitoba and Genome Canada invest in research in Canada’s Arctic

January 16, 2017 — 
$4-M investment for genomics research in oil spill preparedness and emergency response in Arctic marine environment

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CBC The National: Climate changing in Arctic

November 25, 2016 — 
Distinguished Professor David Barber talks to The National about the dramatic sea ice loss in the North

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ArcticNet publishes regional impact study for the Western and Central Canadian Arctic

October 27, 2015 — 
From Science to Policy in the Western and Central Canadian Arctic

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Arctic Partners

February 2, 2015 — 
Dynamic trio brings together world's leading arctic climate scientists

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Research and International

Arctic research gets transformed

March 18, 2013 — 
One of the largest sea ice research teams in the world celebrates the opening of a new laboratory that will transform and lead global efforts to understand climate change

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