Table guests (from front left to front right) Karen Wilson-Baptist, Gursh Barnard, Dr. David T. Barnard President and Vice-Chancellor, Jason Hare, Brandy O'Reilly, Judy Beddoes, Dr. Jonathan Beddoes, Sam Blatz
Table for 1200 more
Dinner with 1200 of your closest friends
On May 28th, 2016 the Faculty of Architecture was pleased to participate in the Table for 1200 More event held on Waterfront Drive in Winnipeg, MB. The event, held under sunny skies, featured a 1200-person dinner table spanning from Bannatyne Ave, past Lombard, under the rail bridge to Shaw Park. Table for 1200 More is organized as part of StorefrontMB’s mandate to raise awareness about the value of architecture, design, and urbanism to the broader community. The dinner hosted representatives from government, prominent institutions, arts organizations, and citizens alike to take a seat at the table and join in the conversation.
Volunteers acted as Table Captains and were responsible for providing a theme for their table. Following on the heels of the University of Manitoba international bee house design competition, the Faculty of Architecture’s table was designed with the bees in mind. Guests at the Faculty table were asked to help promote this special initiative and forge connections with guests attending the event by inviting visitors from other tables to complete an entry ballot for an experimental bee house. Three lucky event participants took home a bee house at the end of the evening (see photo below).
Table for 1200 More meals were provided by local chefs Mandel Hitzer (Deer+Almond) and Ben Kramer. Dinner guests were dressed for a “Winnipeg White Out”, wearing all white to provide a truly unique and magical visual dimension to the evening. A competition was held for the best table design. This year’s 1st place table went to 4th year Environmental Design student, Emily Sinclair.
Congratulations to Emily and to all those involved in hosting such a wonderful event.