Strike info for the campus community
University remains open, many classes continue
UMFA members are on strike as of November 1, 2016. The University remains open and many classes, as well as student activities and services continue. There could be delays getting onto campus, so give yourself extra time getting here. Students, staff and faculty have every right to cross picket lines and come to campus.
We’re sure you have many questions during this time, and we are doing our best to answer them – students, staff and faculty should visit umanitoba.ca/strikeinfo to see answers to commonly asked questions.
Some immediate issues are addressed below.
Getting to campus
Students and staff have every right to cross the picket lines to attend work, classes or to access University services. Buses continue to run to and from campus.
Patience and caution should be exercised when crossing picket lines. All parties, including those on strike and those crossing picket lines, are responsible for refraining from illegal behaviour. If individuals experience problems or are involved in an incident while crossing the picket line, they should report this to University Security Services (204-474-9312).
Delays are expected, so allow for additional time when coming to campus.
Many classes are continuing on as scheduled – a list of classes that are continuing is posted here. Please check this list regularly as information about class offerings is updated every hour. If a class is not on the list, you are not be responsible for the coursework. Labs, tutorials and studios are not included on this list. Students should consult the Faculty/College/School offering the course to determine if labs, tutorials or studios are continuing.
Students who choose not to cross the picket line are still responsible for materials covered in any class or lab that is included on the class list. Students must advise their instructors in advance of class if they choose not to cross the picket line. In such circumstances, instructors will make reasonable alternate arrangements with respect to any missed material, assignments or tests.
Student and campus services
The University continues with normal operations to the extent possible. All student services, including the University Libraries, are open during the strike. Services with no interruptions include: Career Services, Registrar’s Office, Dean’s Offices, Student Life, Admissions Office, First Year Centre, Academic Learning Centre (partial availability), Student Support, Student Counselling, University Health Services, University Advising Services, Health and Wellness, Services for Students at Bannatyne, Student Advocacy and Accessibility, and PlayCare, Financial Aid and Awards, English Language Centre, International Centre, Indigenous Student Centre, Dining Services, and Student Residences.
Recreation Services are operating as usual, including access to all facilities at both Fort Garry and Bannatyne campuses; programs and classes are running as scheduled. Bison games are being played as scheduled.
Other services and offices may be open, please check with them directly.
Some programs or workshops may be impacted – so check with the service on availability.
If you have questions that are not addressed in the FAQs that are available at umanitoba.ca/strikeinfo please send an email to strikeinfo@umanitoba.ca.