Research Seminar Series returns for 2019/20
The Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management Research Seminar Series kicks off for the 2019/2020 academic year on October 24th, with a talk by Dr. Donna Goodwin, professor at the University of Alberta, Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport & Recreation.
Dr. Goodwin’s talk is titled Community Service Learning – Not All Good: Ethical Reflexions on Power Imbalances.
The presentation will review the pedagogical benefits of community service learning (CSL), the learning theory that underpins it, and how many ways it can be violated to the advantage of students, but the burden (harm) of community partners. Although CSL is based upon collaboration, reciprocal relationships, and appreciation for diversity, power relationships need to be balanced to achieve shared goals, expectations, and benefits. Mistakes made, lessons learned, and changes underway with be shared using the knowledge gathered in a multi-phased research study of a disability related undergraduate CSL course.
Dr. Goodwin will be introduced by Jacqueline Ladwig, PhD candidate in Applied Health Sciences at the University of Manitoba, who will give a 10-minute presentation on her research, entitled, The nature of dance and developmental disability: The impacts of dance on social inclusion, self-efficacy, and motor performance.
The presentation is free of charge and open to the public, staff and students.
WHEN: Thursday, October 24th, 2019, 1:00pm.