Price scholarships continue to support students in engineering
The Price Faculty of Engineering received its name due to the transformative gift of $20 million from Dr. Gerry Price [BSc(ME)/70, MSc/72, LLD(Hon)/17] and Barbara Price [BHEc/69, CertEd/70] in 2020. The Price Family have continued their generous support of students through the development of several scholarships within the faculty, including the Price Industries Ltd. Entrance Scholarship for Engineering, Price Engineering Access Bursaries for Indigenous students, the Price Scholarships in Engineering and the Price Graduate Scholarships for Women in Engineering.

Students present Dr. Gerry Price with a thank you gift on behalf of the students
On Jan. 18, 2024, scholarship recipients and faculty gathered in the EITC Atrium to celebrate and recognize Dr. and Mrs. Price for their renewed commitment of two scholarships. The first was initiated in 2018 for one million dollars over five years to support the Price Scholarship in Engineering. This scholarship supports undergraduate students in the Price Faculty of Engineering. The amount of the scholarship is indexed according to program year and academic performance, and they hold a maximum potential value of $5000 per student. Approximately 80 students per year benefit from this scholarship.
In 2019, Dr. Gerry and Barb Price pledged $600,000 over five years to support another new scholarship: the Price Graduate Scholarships for Women in Engineering. This scholarship is awarded each year to ten women in engineering graduate studies, at a value of $12,000 per scholarship. Through the Manitoba Scholarship & Bursary Initiative or MSBI match, the impacts of these gifts have been extended even further. Since the 2018/2019 academic year, 730 students have benefited from one of these two scholarships (sometimes more than once!), with a total value of $2.5 million awarded to students.

Dr. Gerry Price takes the time to speak with students during reception.
During the reception, undergraduate student Toby Bergmann and graduate student Sarah Currie personally thanked Gerry Price and spoke on the value of these scholarships. Toby was able to choose a job that interested him, and that fostered his growth rather than needing to take a job that paid more money. This is a sentiment that Dr. Price affirmed in his remarks,
“This is a time for learning not earning”.
After the formal remarks, Dr. Price circulated the room, giving out handshakes and encouraging words to students. He did not leave until every student in attendance had the opportunity to speak to him if they wished.
The gifts reflect our shared commitments to a post-secondary education for students in sectors that our Manitoba economy needs. As Manitoba’s only engineering school, we work every day to ensure strong programs in foundational disciplines, while also addressing disciplinary specialties that reflect Manitoba’s diverse economy and industries. These scholarships also reflect a commitment to supporting all Manitobans, regardless of background, who want to pursue an engineering and technical career.
In addition to these financial gifts, Dr. Gerry Price is always gracious with his time. He is a long-serving member of the board of Friends of Engineering, a group of senior executives in Manitoba industry who advocate for the Price Faculty of Engineering and amplify the voice of the Faculty. Dr. Price is also involved with a similar board for the Asper School of Business, the Associates. They have recently announced that Gerry Price will be receiving the 2024 International Distinguished Entrepreneur Award for his excellence in both engineering and business where he pushes the boundaries of innovation.